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For more than 20 years your reliable partner for spraying and coating systems in the forging, die casting and automation sectors. Whether you require a new installation, retrofit or repair, our experts are always happy to support you with any challenges.
After the great success of the last fair in Bilbao in 2022, which was a complete success, you should not miss this year. Visit us and discover our latest products in spraying technologie...
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Managing Directors: Sebastian Bissels, Niklas Dahmen
Hooghe Weg 31
47906 Kempen
fon: +49 (0) 2152 / 91 03 - 0
fax: +49 (0) 2152 / 91 03 - 11
VAT-ID: DE 2028 478 56 tax nr.: 115/5723/0371
jurisdiction: Amtsgericht Krefeld
HRB: 9627 registered at Amtsgericht Krefeld